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Libros de Gerhard von Rad

  • Sabiduría En Israel

    • 416 páginas
    • Libro excelente cuya intención es profundizar en la sabiduría de Israel. Para conocer en su integridad tanto el Antiguo Testamento como la historia de Israel es fundamental conocer su literatura sapiencial, propósito que el autor ha...
    22,80€ 21,66€
  • Teología Del Antiguo Testamento Ii

    • 568 páginas
    • «Este libro es un clásico. Nació maduro y se impuso rápidamente al interés y a la aprobación del público. Tiene algo de descubrimiento y algo de reposo; invita a repetidas lecturas, a la reflexión...
    29,00€ 27,55€
  • Teología Del Antiguo Testamento I

    • 592 páginas
    • «Este libro es un clásico. Nació maduro y se impuso rápidamente al interés y a la aprobación del público. Tiene algo de descubrimiento y algo de reposo; invita a repetidas lecturas, a la reflexión...
    29,00€ 27,55€
  • Holy War In Ancient Israel

    • From the earliest days of Israel’s existence as a people, holy war was a sacred institution, undertaken as a cultic act of a religious community. The concept of holy war, an intriguing and sometimes disturbing theme in the Old Testament,...
    18,82€ 17,88€
  • Genesis (old Testament Library)

    • 442 páginas
    • The profound learning, accurate scholarship, and deep Christian feeling evident on every page of the commentary make it of the greatest value to the student of the Old Testament, and one of the most important contributions to biblical scholarship in recen...
    36,72€ 34,89€
  • The Message Of The Prophets

    • 288 páginas
    • without question the most important study of the prophets for more than a generation . which can be read and appreciated by ordinary people. It will make the prophets live anew for every reader, and it may be strongly commended as superb value for money'...
    41,20€ 39,14€
  • Old Testament Theology Volume Two

    • 486 páginas
    • Essential books for the serious student of the Old Testament.. It is scarcely possible to read von Rad without having the understanding and enjoyment of the Old Testament greatly increased. No serious student of the Bible at the level of theological stude...
    41,20€ 39,14€
  • Moses

    • 114 páginas
    • In this new edition of Gerhard von Rad's classic work on the Moses traditions, the reader is provided with a more polished text, cross-references to von Rad's other works, an updated bibliography, Scripture index, and a new foreword by Walter Brueggemann....
    17,41€ 16,54€
  • Old Testament Theology Volume 2

    • This republication of a classic work contains a new introduction by Walter Brueggemann that places Gerhard von Rad’s work within the context of German theology, Old Testament theology, and the history of interpretation of the Old Testame...
    60,27€ 57,25€
  • 60,65€ 57,62€
  • 42,98€ 40,83€